Posted by Yoko Fan on September 02, 1999 at 11:57:48:
In Reply to: Re: Re: MXV4 v. AVS v. AVID v. GY Aquatred posted by BarryBolts on September 01, 1999 at 23:23:49:
The Yoko's will server your purpose. Most accidents are'nt caused by Drunk drivers, or over 73, under 23. They are caused by 2 cars going different vectors/speeds meeting at the same point. At 120/mph your increasing you probability of causing an accident much more than a drunk driver or anything else I can think of. Talk to a local traffic cop he'll set you straight. "Speed really does kill" If you want to drive that fast then you should consider joining an SCCA or similar club. They have organized events that allow you to "stress" your machine without endangering others in the process. I too used to drive very fast and am lucky to be alive today. I still drive fast if I'm alone on the ramp or, other area's where I know I won't meet with different vector/speed :<) Don't know anywhere except maybe out west Montana, Nevada, Utah, etc. that you can reach 120/mph safely.
Keep the shiney side up and the greasy side down...........