Posted by Yoko Fan on August 12, 1999 at 11:52:55:
Lets figure out how much you save by buying a cheap set of tires.
I have not done much scientific research merely conjecture. Can't be 100% wrong though
Let's assume the following:
A set of tires lasts 30000 miles( Pretty low mileage huh?)
A gallon of gas is $1.25(maybe more maybe less)
A good set of quality tires(Yokoham's :<), Michellins, Bridgestone, etc) gets you a 5% increase in fuel economy(Hey I already said it's conjecture!)
From this the following would be true:
It costs approx. 4 2/3 cents worth of gas/mile
30,000 miles are driven so it costs $1,250 for the life of tires.
With a 5% increase in fuel economy you would save $62.50 on gas alone.
That's about $15.00 per tire.
Since the cheapest tires are usually about $50 per tire you would actually be paying $65.00 per tire to drive 30,000 miles.
A set of quality tires should last 60,000 miles at least(Were talking touring not high performance!) So it would cost you $130.00 to drive 60,000 miles on a set of crappy tires!
Now let's drop the mileage increase. Still costs $100.00 per tire to drive 60,000 miles.
They may even cost a lot more if they fail
Hate to admit it but "You really do have a lot riding on your tires!"
Anyone who would like to update/correct my assumptions are encoraged to do so.