Posted by Gregg on February 06, 1999 at 19:55:40:
In Reply to: Changing the OEM tire size. posted by Vin on January 31, 1999 at 01:02:13:
The difference between the 195-65-15 and the205-60-15 is negligile. Hoever, 6 inches is stretching the limit and not particularly recommended for the 215, though the sixe is fine otherwise. 6-1/2 to 7 is more optimal for the 205, and 7 is ideal for the 215--and on high performance applications 7-1/2 should be fine also, though the Japanese and Swedish auto makers in particular have historically under rimmed their tires in these ranges for years, so it must be technically ok. Our original wheels on a 91 Celica GTS with OEM 215-50-15s is either a 6 or 6-1/2 but no more, for instance, and sadly this is a fairly high performing automobile (handling wise). I agree with another commentor, if you've got the space, go for it with the 215-60-15s but get better/wider rims. If insisting on keeping the 6 inch rims, stick witht he 205 size. Hope this helps.