Re: Michelin XH4's

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Posted by Vic on March 29, 1998 at 21:50:56:

In Reply to: Michelin XH4's posted by sherrill on September 12, 1997 at 09:01:23:

I've got a 1990 Grand Prix and put XH4's on it a few years ago. The rear
tires are fine but, the front left developed, almost, a crack about
4 inches long in the side wall. I also took this tire back to the dealer
that I purchaed it from. They said I must have hit something and that
it was not a crack but a slice in the tire. I KNOW this is not the case
both by knowing I did not run over any foreign debris and also by
looking at the tire, it is very obvious that it is not a slice but
a crack.

In addition to this, I'm very unhappy with the wear of the XH4. I did not
think that they were that soft of a tread compound to wear so fast.



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