Automotive Industry News

Monday, December 30, 2024

'); //After item description CarpConf('aidesc','
'); //Item display //Before all items //CarpConf('bitems','

'); //Before each item //CarpConf('bi','
  • '); //After each item //CarpConf('ai','
  • '); // put a bullet before each item //CarpConf('bi',''); //Maximum number of items to display CarpConf('maxitems',10); // show up to 100 characters of the description CarpConf('maxidesc',150); //Specifies whether to display CaRP error messages 0-do not 1-display CarpConf('carperrors',0); // set up filtering //CarpConf('filterin','kansas|news'); // only show the item link //CarpConf('iorder','link'); // don't say "Newsfeed display by by CaRP" after the newsfeeds CarpConf('poweredby',''); CarpConf('linktarget',1); // Leave some space between the newsfeeds - Puts recent news at beginning echo ' News:
    '; // show the FIRST newsfeed CarpCacheShow(''); // Leave some space between the newsfeeds echo '

    ',''; echo 'Motor Trend:
    '; // show the SECOND newsfeed CarpCacheShow(''); // Leave some space between the newsfeeds echo '

    ',''; echo 'Car and Driver:
    '; // show the THIRD newsfeed CarpCacheShow(''); // Leave some space between the newsfeeds echo '

    ',''; echo 'Automobile Magazine:
    '; // show the FOURTH newsfeed CarpCacheShow(''); // Leave some space between the newsfeeds echo '

    ',''; echo 'Road and Track:
    '; // show the FOURTH newsfeed CarpCacheShow(''); ?>

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