Posted by David on October 08, 1999 at 07:19:53:
In Reply to: Bridg RE910 vs Dunlop D60A2 posted by bob on October 07, 1999 at 15:31:58:
I am currently running RE910's and they replaced a set of D60A2's. One of the biggest characteristics Bridgestone touted about the tire was that it is a T rated tire that handles like an H while maintaining better ride quality. Well, the D60A2 will out handle the RE910 hands down, and there is no significant difference in ride quality. Running 42 - 44 psi does improve the handling to an almost comparable level but also yeilds an un-acceptably harsh ride, which is to be expected at that kind of air pressure. With the average vehicle(OE) air pressure recomendation range of 26 - 32 psi this is not a practicle solution.
The wet traction, both lateral and high volume displacemnt, is very acceptable as well as very comparable to the D60A2's. A tie.
Noise levels are also comparable except under hard cornering where the 910's (shoulder design) get the better score.
Although mileage at this point (910's have about 20,000 so far) is a projection, it does appear the 910's are wearing very well. I think D60A2's have a 45,000K rating and the 910's a 60,000K. With the softer steering response it would be expected they should last a few more miles. A trade off as far as I'm concerned. I would rather have a better handling tire than 10,000 more miles. Tire rotation needs to be done more frequently with the 910's, they seam to be susceptible to feathering and irregular wear if not done regularly. The D60A2's were a bit more forgiving in this area.
Unfortunatly I can not provide much in the way of snow traction (Cleveland) comparison. I have driven the D60A2's in snow and found them very acceptable in virtually all conditions as far as an all season, non snow dedicated tire goes. I have not had the same opportunity to expirience the 910's in winter conditions. Maybe another reader can provide feedback here?
All said, my personal recomendation would be the D60A2's, especialy for your Passat, hadling and ride would compliment the sporty feel of that car. Though if a little better hadling is not a concern for you the RE910 would provide satisfactory performance.
Hope it helps.