Posted by Steel on March 13, 1999 at 23:14:17:
In Reply to: Firestn SH30 vs Brdgstn RE 930 vs Sumitomo HTR4 or other for 97 Toyota Avalon posted by Mike C. on March 04, 1999 at 08:50:56:
I don't have an exactly similiar situation, but a few pieces of advice. I have another heavy Toy(a late '80s Supra) and recently put on a new set of Nitto NT450s. Before putting them on I seriously considered the Sumitumo HTR4s as a low cost alternative, and also because they were ranked very highly by the TireRack. They have a rather blockish design (ala BFGTA's almost), which is fine for a heavier sedan. So besides the fact that they weren't speed rated for my application, they would have been my choice based on a good trach record and many favorable reviews. Also, Sumitumo is parent company for Dunlop. Another tip that you Mike might find very useful and save you many $$$...I read that you are from NorCal, which is where I am from. I had to drive an hour and a half to the place I bought my tires from, but I save around $100-150 on my set in my size, so a call might be worth the time, and they offer the same treadware warrenties as everyone else. They are a magazine company that is based in NorCal and has some stores here too. So if you want to take the time, try USA tires, 916-456-3337 (in Sacramento) Good luck!