| Automobile Tire Care and Safety | RV Tire Care and Safety |
| Tire Industry Safety Council Press Releases |
| Sidewall Information | Proper Inflation |
| Tire Retailers | Tire Manufacturers |


ATTENTION: You will be able to view all information in the old BBS HERE, and HERE

Please click HERE to view information in the old Tire BBS now.

Thank you for your support.!!!

TIPS ON HOW TO USE THE OLD TIRE BBS: DO NOT LOAD ENTIRE BBS (It may bomb!) - Load ONLY 95-97% of BBS and then hit "Stop" button in your browser. When reading entries always use "RIGHT BUTTON CLICK"(PC) or "HOLD THE MOUSE BUTTON DOWN AND SELECT 'New Window with this Link'"(MAC). That way you only have to close each window after you have read it, and you won't have to reload the entire BBS!

NOTICE TO RETAILERS: Although AUTOPEDIA understands that some may object to the presence of retailers in this BBS, as long as the retailers are offering consumers legitimate goods and services and as long as the retailers respect the spirit and intent of this BBS, and refrain from "spamming" with multiple, duplicate posts, they will be welcome. If these policies are not followed and/or AUTOPEDIA receives a significant number of complaints regarding any particular retailer, then that retailer will be prohibited from posting to this BBS.