1998 Honda CR-V

1998 Honda CR-V Options and Colors

1998 CR-V Optional Equipment
(Factory Installed Optional Equipment Not Offered)
Order # Description Invoice MSRP
--- California Emission Equipment 85.00 100.00
1997 CR-V Exterior Paint Selection
Order # Description Invoice MSRP
--- Flamenco Pearl Black N/C N/C
--- Supermarine Pearl Blue
(Req's an Interior Color)
--- Cypress Pearl Green N/C N/C
--- San Marino Red N/C N/C
--- Sebring Metallic Silver N/C N/C
1997 CR-V Interior Color Selection
Order # Description Invoice MSRP
--- Gray
(Req's an Exterior Color)

Advertising Fees: A legitimate advertising fee of 1%-3% of the MSRP is added to the price of the vehicle by the dealer without markup.

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