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  Goodyear Walmart Tires

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Author Topic:   Goodyear Walmart Tires
posted April 26, 2004 04:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I bought a used Toyota Camry with 30,000 miles on it last year. It had Goodyear Viva (Walmart) tires on it. They appeared almost new when I got the car. The car now has 50,000 miles on it. There is substatial ozone cracking in the grooves between the tread on the outside two grooves on each tire. I would think this is not typical of brand named tires in this day and age. Do you think I have a case to present to Walmart. I am in the process of doing an analysis on the tread compound to determine if any anti-ozonant chemicals are present in the tread rubber.


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posted May 07, 2004 03:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
You sound like a freak! your going to do a chemical analysis on some cheap old tires? Who the hell does that? Big deal the tires have cracks in them, 50k miles is alot, what do you want? get a life! Why even tell us about this? Nobody cares about some little cracks in your tires!

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posted May 18, 2004 02:54 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I have to agree, getting a lab test done on some cheap basic all season tires sounds idiotic to me. Its not like you are a tire devoloper for a formula one race team that really does need to do scientific tests on tires. What possesed you to go get a scientific analysis done on some walmart tires?? Why??? Maybe you are extremely anal??

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posted July 12, 2006 10:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote

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