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Author Topic:   Toyo
GO Pete
posted November 15, 1999 02:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I would appreciate any comments about experiences with the Proxes H4 and the 800 Ultra (which has been described to me as a T+ rated tire). I'm particularly interested in traction in wet or slushy or on packed-snow conditions.

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posted November 15, 1999 06:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Count me in the question as well. I've been looking for some good wet weather tires and looked at the Dunlop D60, RE930 and Firestone's Sh30. Latest is the Toyo Proxes H4 since I can't seem to find the others at a reasonable price.

IP: Logged

posted December 10, 1999 05:45 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Just wonder about the price, my local tire store give me same price for RE930, Toyo FZ4 and Yoko's AVS S4-V, any idea which one I should choose?

IP: Logged

posted February 01, 2000 03:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mikek:I too am looking at Proxes H4, SH30, MXV4+ and am currently trying out Turanza Revo H. Can't quite figure it out. Heard Michelins awful in slight snow and wet cornering? True? Heard Dunlop D60 wear quickly. Haven't seen anyone driving Proxes H4 or SH30 but Tirerack give SH30 high customer survey rating. Turanza Revo seem a bit bumpy and I question low 300 treadwear rating. email me at mpopowitz@yahoo.com. Thanks.
Count me in the question as well. I've been looking for some good wet weather tires and looked at the Dunlop D60, RE930 and Firestone's Sh30. Latest is the Toyo Proxes H4 since I can't seem to find the others at a reasonable price.

IP: Logged

posted March 19, 2000 10:55 AM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Mine have been a big disappointment. Bad traction on wet surfaces, and what I consider faster than normal wear.

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posted March 19, 2000 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ben   Click Here to Email ben     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ben:
Just wonder about the price, my local tire store give me same price for RE930, Toyo FZ4 and Yoko's AVS S4-V, any idea which one I should choose?

Hello everyone:
Here is a follow up post with my experience... I got the Yoko's AVS S4-V and it is really BAD in snow! Much worse than my stock Egale GA. The story was sad because I actually crashed my ride... I'll recommend a good set of snow tires like the Nokia's haka 1 or Q.

[This message has been edited by ben (edited March 19, 2000).]

IP: Logged

posted March 31, 2000 01:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I have Toyo Ultra 800s & live in FL. Treadwear & wet traction appears very good to me. However, the white walls have developed a large number of cracks. Dealer says its not his problem. Toyo refused to respond to my requests to speak to a factory rep. I don't care how good they are or what price they are. I'll never buy them again due to Toyo's lousy attitude.

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posted March 31, 2000 08:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I bought Toyo's once based on the cheaper price and it ended up costing me big in the long run. The tires were terrible in the wet, marginal in the dry, wore quickly, and I ended up having to replace them with REAL tires. I bought Dunlop SP 9000's and am very happy with them.

IP: Logged

posted July 02, 2000 11:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I have Proxies H4 on 95 Max - very good tires - low noise, great wear, stable, very good in rain.....

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posted July 25, 2000 06:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Craig     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I have Toyo Ultra 800's and really like them. I have about 20K miles on them now and can see no wear. They handle well, have great traction and pulled my Corolla through 22 inches of snow this winter with no problem. It is almost impossible for me to spin these tires. I am not running the white walls and I have a great dealer so I can't really respond to those problems. My dealer installed these tires for around $70 a piece which made me very happy. If they wear out before the car, I will replace with the same.

IP: Logged

posted July 27, 2000 07:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
don't buy from your local tire shop! go to tirerack.com and save yourself some money-at least $100 for a set of four tires. They can also help you with what performance tires also do well in snow-tons of people send in survey results about their tires. I had the Dunlop D60 A2 and they were rated #1 by consumer reports and consumer digest a few years back(1995). Anyway, they were sticky enough, quiet enough, but were not good in the rain, and i doubt in snow either. Also, after 25,000miles they got scary in the rain. the firestone Sh30 i have only heard good things about from other people, the 930s will not last as long as the sh 430s. as far as toyo goes, i like the new ti gs but they are not cheap. i had a set of the proxes on my wife's Altima and i loved them, but we had to sell the car due to an unresolved electrical problem and we only had about 12,000 miles on the tires at that point. michelin seems to make great tires but you pay the price. bridgestone seems to be just a step behind them for a lot less money like the RE 730s.

IP: Logged

posted March 02, 2003 06:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I just bought Toyo Proxes TPT for my 99 Accord, replacing the original Bridgestone. The salesman at Town Fair Tire highly recommended them. Has anyone had any experience with these?

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