Best Vehicles for Car Window Decals

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Car window decals can be placed on any window of a vehicle. Wherever they are placed, decals are a great way to attract attention for a small business or for a car owner to add decoration to their car. Most car window decals are placed on the vehicle's rear windows because those windows work better when designing larger imagery and any person behind the car must see the decal.

Window decals are often chosen over car wraps for many reasons. The most popular difference makers are budget and installation. Car wraps are an expensive investment and most need to be installed professional which adds to the cost. Any one error when applying the wrap to the car can result in major issues. Car window decals still need to be installed with care but do not require professionals. Below are five great vehicles that make purchasing and installing a car window decal even easier:

Best: Honda Element
The Honda Element is a boxy vehicle that best allows for car window decals. Its rear windshield is a complete rectangle, has a wide position, and is total upright. Its windshield wiper is also easy to work with. The side windows, both front and back, are large and useful for business advertising. Of the many Honda model vehicles that are great for car window decals, the Element is the strongest.

Best Large Car: Honda Accord
On a sedan or a coupe full window graphics are not the best option for the drives visibility, but still many car owners will not care. For those people the Honda Accord is the best choice. This models rear window is completely square and not angled like other similar models.

Best Truck: Ford Ranger
It might be argued that all trucks can accommodate car window decals well because their windows are totally upright. The Ford Ranger (with no sliding option) is a rectangle and wide for a full window graphic. The truck is obviously durable for transporting goods and towing, along with the graphic it is a good vehicle for a business and window advertising.

Best Small Car: Nissan Sentra
Unlike most coupes and sedans the Sentra's has a square rear window that is more upright than the other competing models. Still, as mentioned before, sedans and coupes are not recommended to owners looking for window decals.

Best SUV/Crossover: Honda Pilot
Rear window decals and other window decals are very popular with van and SUV owners. The Honda Pilot model holds the best windows and vehicle body to apply window decals to. The windows are upright, ensuring visibility. As a bonus the wiper is mounted very low, guaranteeing that your text will not be obscured.