Getting Your Vintage Car on the Road

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Whether you've recently inherited a vintage car, or you've got a passion for old, classic cars and are looking to invest, it's essential that you learn what it tales to make them road ready. Although some of the checks you'll need to make are going to be the same as if you were buying a modern car, there are many subtle differences between classic and modern cars that necessitate a certain amount of research.

So, that's why we've scoured the web to find some of the most essential points about how to make your vintage car road ready. If you follow our advice, you'll have a strong basis off of which to complete your checks, and you should then be able to get your dream vintage car onto the road safely, and – equally as importantly – legally.

MOT or No MOT?
Of course, you might simply assume that all classic cars – as with present-day cars, require an MOT. However, there's quite a lot of variation when it comes to vehicles and their MOTs, and some classic cars won't actually require one. The best way to check is to use the Government's MOT official guidelines. However, as a general rule, if your car was manufactured before 1960, it's exempt from MOT, so just be wary.

The Basic Mechanical Tests
After you've determined whether your car requires an MOT or not, you're going to need to need to know how to continually maintain the vehicle. Of course, servicing a car is straightforward when you know what you're looking for, so here are some basic tests.

First, consider the lubrication. Old cars have built in grease nipples that you'll need to see to, as this can prolong the life of the vehicle. Second, look at the vehicle's breaks and tires. As a rule, you'll probably want to give your systems a full once-over and replace anything that looks faulty. Not to do so could be potentially life threatening. For a comprehensive look at what you'll need to check for, have a look at this useful guide.

Insuring Against the Worst
Finally, although you can make all the checks in the world, classic cars can sometimes be prone to accidents. This means that an insurance policy designed specifically to meet the needs of a classic car owner should be sought after. Providers like Autoline offer such a service, and it's something you should definitely consider, as it could save you in the long run. So there you have it: how to get your vintage car on the road.