#!/usr/local/bin/perl print ("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); eval { ($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: UNIX / or Windows / ($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: Windows \ #substitute all require files here for the file require "mods.file"; require "UltBB.setup"; require "Date.pl"; require "ubb_library.pl"; require "ubb_library2.pl"; require "Styles.file"; }; if ($@) { print "Error including required files: $@\n"; print "Make sure these files exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly."; exit; } &ReadParse; foreach $row(@in) { ($Name, $Value) = split ("=", $row); $Name = &decodeURL($Name); $Value = &decodeURL($Value); if ($Name eq "forum") { $Forum = $Value; $Forum =~ s/\/\\//g; $ForumCoded = &HTMLIFY($Forum); $ForumCoded =~ tr/ /+/; $Forum = &UNHTMLIFY($Forum); } if ($Name eq "Password") { $Password = $Value; } if ($Name eq "TopicSubject") { $TopicSubject = $Value; $TopicSubject =~ s/<.+?>//g; $TopicSubject = &UNHTMLIFY($TopicSubject); } if ($Name eq "UserName") { $UserName = $Value; $UserNameFile = $UserName; $UserNameFile =~ s/ /_/g; #remove spaces } if ($Name eq "number") { $number = $Value; } if ($Name eq "topic") { $topic = $Value; } } # end FOREACH $row if ($VariablesPath eq "") { $VariablesPath = $CGIPath; } #create random numbers for headers/footers $RandomNumber = &MakeRandomNumber; $RandomNumber2 = $RandomNumber + 100074; if ($Header ne "") { $Header =~ s/UBBrandomX/$RandomNumber/isg; $Header =~ s/UBBrandomY/$RandomNumber2/isg; } if ($Footer ne "") { $Footer =~ s/UBBrandomX/$RandomNumber/isg; $Footer =~ s/UBBrandomY/$RandomNumber2/isg; } #adjust bgcolor variables if ($BGColor ne ""){ $BGColor = qq(bgcolor="$BGColor"); } if ($AltColumnColor1 ne ""){ $AltColumnColor1 = qq(bgcolor="$AltColumnColor1"); } if ($AltColumnColor2 ne ""){ $AltColumnColor2 = qq(bgcolor="$AltColumnColor2"); } if ($CategoryStripColor ne ""){ $CategoryStripColor = qq(bgcolor="$CategoryStripColor"); } if ($TableColorStrip ne ""){ $TableColorStrip = qq(bgcolor="$TableColorStrip"); } if ($PageBackground ne ""){ $PageBackground = qq(background="$NonCGIURL/$PageBackground"); } if ($TableBorderColor ne ""){ $TableWidth2 = "100%"; $BorderTop = qq(
); $BorderBottom = qq(
); } else { $TableWidth2 = $TableWidth; $BorderTop = ""; $BorderBottom = ""; } if (($in{'action'} eq "transfer") || ($in{'action'} eq "submittransfer")) { if ($BBStatus eq "OFF") { &StandardHTML("Sorry, this bulletin board is temporarily unavailable, while we perform some routine maintenance. Please try back again later. Feel free to email us at $BBEmail."); exit; } } if ($in{'action'} eq "transfer") { &Transfer; } if ($in{'action'} eq "submittransfer") { &SubmitTransfer; } if ($in{'action'} eq "enterarchive") { &EnterArchive; } if ($in{'action'} eq "archivecenter") { &ArchiveCenter; } if ($in{'action'} eq "ContinueArchiveUpdate") { &ConvertArch2HTML("$in{'ArchiveRow'}", "$in{'TotalArchives'}", "$in{'StartWith'}"); exit; } if ($in{'action'} eq "UpdateArchiveThreads") { &UpdateArchThreads("$in{'ArchiveRow'}", "$in{'TotalArchives'}", "$in{'StartWith'}"); exit; } if ($in{'action'} eq "ContinueArchiveIndex") { &ReArchiveIndex("$in{'ArchiveRow'}", "$in{'TotalArchives'}", "$in{'StartWith'}"); exit; } sub ConvertArch2HTML { my($ArchRow) = shift; my($ArchTotal) = shift; my($StartWith) = shift; $ArchRow = $ArchRow + 0; $ArchTotal = $ArchTotal + 0; $StartWith = $StartWith + 0; #is this the last archive? if ($ArchRow == $ArchTotal) { $LastArchive = "true"; } else { $LastArchive = "false"; } my @archives = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); my $uno = ""; my $Count = 0; foreach $uno(@archives) { $Count++; if ($Count == $ArchRow) { ($ThisNumber, $ThisName, $ThisDesc) = split(/\|\#\|/, $uno); } } #retrieve all topics opendir (GETTHREADS, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber"); @threads1 = readdir (GETTHREADS); closedir (GETTHREADS); $ArchiveNumber = $ThisNumber; @threads2 = grep(/\.cgi/, @threads1); @threads = sort(@threads2); $TotalThreads = @threads; #total topics in archive $LastArrayNum = $TotalThreads - 1; #limit processing to Cycle rate $Cycle = $in{'Cycle'} + 0; $ThisCycle = $Cycle - 1; $ArrayStart = $StartWith - 1; $End = $StartWith + $ThisCycle; $ArrayEnd = $End - 1; if ($LastArrayNum <= $ArrayEnd) { $ArrayEnd = $LastArrayNum; $FinishedArchive = "true"; } else { $FinishedArchive = "false"; } @truncated = @threads[$ArrayStart... $ArrayEnd]; $StartPoint = $StartWith; $LastOne = $ArrayEnd + 1; $NextStart = $ArrayEnd + 1; for $eachthread(@truncated) { &CreateArchiveHTML("$ThisNumber", "$eachthread", "0", "1"); } #end for threads loop if ($FinishedArchive eq "true") { if ($LastArchive eq "true") { &EndUpdate("T H R E A D S      U P D A T E D", "Thank you for your patience. All topic threads have now been updated to reflect your current UBB Control Panel settings."); } else { $ArchRow++; &ContinueArchUpdate("$ArchRow", "1", "$ArchTotal", "$Cycle"); } } else { &ContinueArchUpdate("$ArchRow", "$NextStart", "$ArchTotal", "$Cycle"); } } sub ContinueArchUpdate { my $ArchRow = shift; my $NextStart = shift; my $TotalArchie = shift; my $CycleRate = shift; $ActionWording = qq(We are updating each of your existing threads to reflect all current settings in the control panel.

Archive $ThisNumber is currently being updated. Please wait while we continue updating!

We just finished updating topics $StartPoint through $LastOne in Archive $ThisNumber ); $ForwardURL = "$CGIURL/archive.cgi?action=ContinueArchiveUpdate&ArchiveRow=$ArchRow&TotalArchives=$TotalArchie&StartWith=$NextStart&Cycle=$Cycle"; &ContinueThis($ForwardURL, $ActionWording); } sub ArchiveCenter { &VerifyAdmin($in{'UserNameCheck'}, $in{'PasswordCheck'}); if ($Proceed eq "true") { if ($in{'ArchiveOption'} eq "Create") { #validate fields if ( ($in{'ArchiveName'} eq "") || ($in{'ArchiveName'} !~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/) || ($in{'UserNameCheck'} eq "") || ($in{'PasswordCheck'} eq "") ) { &StandardHTML("We could not process your request. You did not properly complete all fields. Please go back and try again."); exit; } if ( ($in{'ArchiveName'} =~ /\|\#\|/) || ($in{'ArchiveDesc'} =~ /\|\#\|/) ) { &StandardHTML("We could not process your request. You may not include a |#| sequence in your archive name or description! Please go back and try again."); exit; } #add archive directory if necessary unless (-e "$NonCGIPath/Archives") { mkdir ("$NonCGIPath/Archives", 0777); chmod(0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives"); } #add new archive #get current archive facts if (-e "$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl") { @archiveinfo = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); @sortarch = sort(@archiveinfo); @reversearch = reverse(@sortarch); $LastArch = $reversearch[0]; @thisarch = split(/\|\#\|/, $LastArch); $LastNumber = $thisarch[0]; } else { $LastNumber = "000000"; } $LastNumber++; #add 1 to last post number $ArchNum = sprintf("%6d", $LastNumber); $ArchNum =~tr/ /0/; mkdir ("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchNum", 0777); chmod(0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchNum"); $ArchiveName = $in{'ArchiveName'}; $ArchiveName =~ s/<.+?>//g; $ArchiveDesc = $in{'ArchiveDesc'}; $ArchiveDesc =~ s/"/"/g; $ArchiveDesc =~ s/\n\r\n//g; $ArchiveDesc =~ s/\n//g; $ArchiveDesc =~ s/\r//g; $ArchiveDesc =~ s/ / /g; $ArchiveDesc =~ s/\|/|/sg; $ArchiveName =~ s/\|/|/sg; $NewArchive = "$ArchNum|#|$ArchiveName|#|$ArchiveDesc"; #append archives.pl file &Lock("lock.file"); open(ARCHIVES, ">>$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); print ARCHIVES "$NewArchive\n"; close(ARCHIVES); &Unlock("lock.file"); chmod(0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); &EndUpdate("A R C H I V E      A D D E D", "Thank you! We have added the archive that you requested."); } else { #process all actions (archives already exist) #get current archive info-- @archiveinfo = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); @sortarch = sort(@archiveinfo); @reversearch = reverse(@sortarch); $ArchiveTotal = @reversearch; $LastArch = $reversearch[0]; @thisarch = split(/\|\#\|/, $LastArch); $LastNumber = $thisarch[0]; if ($LastNumber eq "") { $LastNumber = 0; } #Figure Next Number, for use in adding archives $LastNumber++; #add 1 to last post number $NextNum = sprintf("%6d", $LastNumber); $NextNum =~tr/ /0/; #check names $ArchiveCount = 0; foreach $row(@in) { ($Name, $Value) = split ("=", $row); $Name = &decodeURL($Name); $Value = &decodeURL($Value); if ($Name =~ m/ThisArchiveName/) { ($Trash, $ThisNumber) = split(/\:/, $Name); $Value =~ s/<.+?>//g; $Value =~ s/\|/|/sg; $Combine = ("$ThisNumber" . "|#|" . "$Value"); push (@ArchNames, $Combine); $ArchiveCount++; } if ($Name eq "NewArchiveName") { $Value =~ s/<.+?>//g; $Value =~ s/\|/|/sg; if (($Value ne "") && ($Value =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/)) { $NewOne = ("$NextNum" . "|#|" . "$Value"); $AddNew = "true"; push (@ArchNames, $NewOne); #create directory! mkdir ("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$NextNum", 0777); chmod(0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$NextNum"); } } if ($Name =~ m/Delete/) { push(@deletelist, $Value); } #check for double pipestems- don't allow if ($Value =~ /\|\#\|/) { &StandardHTML("You are attempting to use an Archive Name or Description that contains a |#| sequence, which is not permitted. Please go back and try again."); exit; } } # end foreach $row if ($ArchiveTotal ne "$ArchiveCount") { &StandardHTML("You are trying to submit an incomplete archive summary. Perhaps you used your back button prior to submitting this page. Please try again, by identifying yourself first."); exit; } if (@deletelist) { foreach $uno(@deletelist) { chomp($uno); foreach $one(@ArchNames) { chomp($one); unless ($one =~ /^$uno/) { push(@AdjustNames, $one); } } } } else { @AdjustNames = @ArchNames; } #Now add archive descriptions-- foreach $row(@in) { ($Name, $Value) = split ("=", $row); $Name = &decodeURL($Name); $Value = &decodeURL($Value); if ($Name =~ m/ThisArchiveDesc/) { ($Trash, $ThisNumber) = split(/\:/, $Name); foreach $check(@AdjustNames) { chomp($check); if ($check =~ /^$ThisNumber/) { $Value =~ s/"/"/g; $Value =~ s/\n\r\n//g; $Value =~ s/\n//g; $Value =~ s/\r//g; $Value =~ s/ / /g; $Value =~ s/\|/|/sg; $NewLine = ("$check" . "|#|$Value"); push(@FinalArch, $NewLine); } } } if ($AddNew eq "true") { if ($Name eq "NewArchiveDesc") { foreach $check2(@AdjustNames) { chomp($check2); if ($check2 =~ /^$NextNum/) { $Value =~ s/"/"/g; $Value =~ s/\n\r\n//g; $Value =~ s/\n//g; $Value =~ s/\r//g; $Value =~ s/ / /g; $Value =~ s/\|/|/sg; $AddLine = ("$check2" . "|#|$Value"); push (@FinalArch, $AddLine); } } } } } # end foreach $row @SortFinal = sort(@FinalArch); #adjust archives.pl file-- &Lock("lock.file"); open(ARCHIVES, ">$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); foreach $iota(@SortFinal) { chomp($iota); print ARCHIVES "$iota\n"; } close(ARCHIVES); &Unlock("lock.file"); chmod(0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); &EndUpdate("A R C H I V E S      U P D A T E D", "

Thank you! We have made the changes that you requested.
"); } } # end if proceed eq true } #end Archive Center sub EnterArchive { &VerifyAdmin($UserName, $Password); if ($Proceed eq "true") { $PageTitle = "A R C H I V E S"; &HEADERHTML; print<
MIDDLE # check to see if archives.pl file exists if (-e "$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl") { # open it @archives = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); $ArchiveTotal = @archives; if ($ArchiveTotal <= 40) { $AddArchive = qq(); $StatusLine = qq!You currently have $ArchiveTotal archive(s). Listed below under Current Archives. You may use HTML in your forum descriptions (UBB Code not permitted). To add a new archive, click here.!; } else { $AddArchive = ""; $StatusLine = qq"You currently have $ArchiveTotal archives (listed below under Current Archives). You may not add any additional archives, since there is a 40-archive limit. You may use HTML in your forum descriptions (UBB Code not permitted)."; } print< HEADER foreach $uno(@archives) { @thisarch = split(/\|\#\|/, $uno); chomp($thisarch[2]); if ($thisarch[0] ne "") { print< ROW } } #print New Archive Option row-- print< ROW } else { #no archives have been created... print< MIDDLE2 } print<
To Create a New Archive, Add A New Archive Name Below!
New Archive:
Delete? Archive Number Archive Name/Description
Your UserName
Your Password
No archives have been created yet. To create a new archive, provide a name and description for your new archive. The Description will appear below your archive name in your list of archives. Leave it blank if you do not want a description to appear. You may use HTML in your forum description (UBB Code will not work, however).
Archive Name
Archive Description
Your UserName
Your Password

BOTTOM } #end if admin } sub SubmitTransfer { if ( ($in{'UserName'} eq "") || ($in{'Password'} eq "") || ($in{'Option'} eq "") ) { &StandardHTML("You did not complete all required form fields! Please go back and re-enter."); exit; } $ProfileNumber = &GetUserNumber($UserName); if ($ProfileNumber ne "") { $NameFound = "yes"; } else { $NameFound = "no"; } unless ($NameFound eq "yes") { &StandardHTML("Sorry, but we couldn't find a record for the UserName you entered. Please try again. Use your Back button."); exit; } @profilestats = &OpenProfile("$ProfileNumber.cgi"); unless ($in{'Password'} eq "$profilestats[1]") { &StandardHTML("Sorry, but the password you entered was not correct. Please try again. Use your Back button."); exit; } $Status = "$profilestats[8]"; #get moderator for this forum $Moderator = ("Forum" . "$number" . "Moderator"); $Moderator = $$Moderator; @mods = split(/\|\|\^\|\|/, $Moderator); $ModMatch = ""; foreach $unomod(@mods) { if ($unomod eq "$UserName") { $ModMatch = "true"; } } unless (($Status eq "Administrator") || ($ModMatch eq "true")) { &StandardHTML("Sorry, but you are not authorized to perform this function. Use your Back button."); exit; } if ($topic !~ /\d\d\.[m|n|ubb|cgi]/) { &StandardHTML("You seem to be trying to hack our forums. Please stop!"); exit; } if ($in{'Option'} eq "Transfer") { #do transfer-- #check to make sure they selected a forum! $NewNumber = $in{'TransferToForumNum'}; if ($NewNumber eq "") { &StandardHTML("You forgot to select the name of the forum where you wish to transfer the topic. Go back and try again."); exit; } #first get info on old forum @oldforum = &GetForumRecord($number); $OldLWA = $oldforum[6]; $OldLWAPassword = &decodeURL($oldforum[7]); $OldForumStatus = $oldforum[3]; $OldPrivateMax = $oldforum[13]; chomp($OldPrivateMax); $OrigForum= $Forum; $OrigForumCoded = $ForumCoded; #then get info on forum to transfer into @newforum = &GetForumRecord($NewNumber); $NewLWA = $newforum[6]; $NewForumStatus = $newforum[3]; $NewLWAPassword = &decodeURL($newforum[7]); $NewPrivateMax = $newforum[13]; chomp($NewPrivateMax); $NewForumName = $newforum[1]; #set proper path(s) if forum is private if ($OldLWA eq "private") { $OldPath = "Forum$number/private-$OldLWAPassword"; } else { $OldPath = "Forum$number"; } if ($NewLWA eq "private") { $NewPath = "Forum$NewNumber/private-$NewLWAPassword"; } else { $NewPath = "Forum$NewNumber"; } #open old topic open (THETOPIC, "$ForumsPath/$OldPath/$topic"); @thetopic = ; close (THETOPIC); #get new forum stats - last topic number ##determine last topic number and increment by 1 if (-e "$ForumsPath/$NewPath/lastnumber.file") { open (FORUMCOUNT, "$ForumsPath/$NewPath/lastnumber.file"); @forumcounter = ; close (FORUMCOUNT); $lastthreadnum = $forumcounter[0]; chomp($lastthreadnum); } else { $lastthreadnum = 0; } $count = $lastthreadnum + 0; #determine new topic number if ($count > 0) { $lastthreadnum++; $newtopic = sprintf("%6d", $lastthreadnum); $newtopic =~tr/ /0/; } else { $newtopic = "000001"; } #write old file in new directory open (THETOPIC, ">$ForumsPath/$NewPath/$newtopic.cgi"); foreach $uno(@thetopic) { chomp($uno); print THETOPIC "$uno\n"; } close (THETOPIC); chmod(0777, "$ForumsPath/$NewPath/$newtopic.cgi"); $TotalPosts = @thetopic; $TotalPosts--; if ($in{'TransferChoiceOption'} eq "Delete") { ($topicnumber, $junk) = split(/\./, $topic); #delete old topic and HTML files unlink ("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/$topic"); unlink ("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/HTML/$topicnumber.html"); unlink ("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/HTML/$topicnumber.cgi"); #update old stats, threads file, etc. $ExactPath = "$OldPath"; &UpdateForumDetails($number); &UpdateForumTotals("$number", 1, $TotalPosts, "yes"); } else { #keep old message in old forum, but close it! #close it-- @stats = split(/\|\|/, $thetopic[0]); $Notes = $stats[1]; chomp($stats[4]); chomp($stats[5]); chomp($stats[6]); chomp($stats[7]); if ($Notes =~ /N/) { $AddN = "N"; } else { $AddN = ""; } $CloseNote = "This topic has been transferred to this forum: $NewForumName."; #prepare new stats line $StatsLine = "A||X$AddN||$stats[2]||$stats[3]||$stats[4]||$stats[5]||$stats[6]||$CloseNote"; foreach $row(@thetopic) { chomp($row); if ($row =~ m/^A/) { push(@revised, $StatsLine); } else { push(@revised, $row); } } # update ubb file &Lock("lock.file"); open (FORUM, ">$ForumsPath/$OldPath/$topic"); foreach $ubbline(@revised) { chomp($ubbline); print FORUM ("$ubbline\n"); } close (FORUM); &Unlock("lock.file"); chmod(0666, "$ForumsPath/$OldPath/$topic"); #redo HTML page &CreateThreadHTML("Forum$number", "$topic", "0", "1"); #update threads summary file &CurrentDate; if (-e "$ForumsPath/$OldPath/forum$number.threads") { &AdjustForClose($number, $topic, "close"); } else { &ForumSummary($number); } } #end if delete/keep #update new stats, threads file, etc. $ExactPath = "$NewPath"; $Forum = $NewForumName; $ForumCoded = &HTMLIFY($NewForumName); $ForumCoded =~ tr/ /+/; $oldnumber = $number; $number = $NewNumber; #create NEW HTML Page $LWA = "$NewLWA"; $PrivateMax = "$NewPrivateMax"; &UpdateForumDetails($NewNumber); &IncreaseForumTotals("$NewNumber", 1, $TotalPosts, "yes"); if ($NewLWA eq "private") { &AppendPrivateIndex("$NewNumber", "$newtopic.cgi", "$LWAPassword"); } else { if ($IndexMethod eq "ONEFILE") { &AppendIndex("$NewNumber", "$newtopic.cgi"); } else { &AppendIndex2("$NewNumber", "$newtopic.cgi"); } } #send onscreen confirmation &Forward("$CGIURL/postings.cgi?action=redoHTML&number=$NewNumber&OldNumber=$oldnumber&topic=$newtopic.cgi", "The topic has been successfully moved! Please wait..."); exit; } else { #do archive--- if ($in{'ArchiveSelect'} eq "") { &StandardHTML("You did not select an archive in which to transfer this topic. Please go back and try again."); exit; } #first get info on forum @oldforum = &GetForumRecord($number); $OldLWA = $oldforum[6]; $OldLWAPassword = &decodeURL($oldforum[7]); $OldForumStatus = $oldforum[3]; $OldPrivateMax = $oldforum[13]; chomp($OldPrivateMax); $OrigForumCoded = $ForumCoded; if ($OldLWA eq "private") { $OldPath = "Forum$number/private-$OldLWAPassword"; } else { $OldPath = "Forum$number"; } #print topic file to archive-- @topicfile = &OpenFile("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/$topic"); $Top = $topicfile[0]; @checkthis = split(/\|\|/, $Top); $TotReplies = $checkthis[2]; $ArchiveNumber = $in{'ArchiveSelect'}; if ($checkthis[5] =~ /$ArchiveNumber\:/) { &StandardHTML("This topic has already been archived there. We cannot archive a topic more than once to the same archive. Please go back!"); exit; } &CurrentDate; ($topicnumber, $junk) = split(/\./, $topic); $NewArchiveName = "$Today-$number-$topicnumber.cgi"; open(ARCH, ">$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/$NewArchiveName"); foreach $topline(@topicfile) { chomp($topline); print ARCH "$topline\n"; } close(ARCH); chmod (0666, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/$NewArchiveName"); #add to archive threads file-- &AppendArchiveSumm("$ArchiveNumber", "$NewArchiveName"); #create archive HTML file &CreateArchiveHTML("$ArchiveNumber", "$NewArchiveName", "0", "1"); #add to archive index-- &AppendArchiveIndex("$ArchiveNumber", "$NewArchiveName"); if ($in{'ArchiveChoiceOption'} eq "Keep") { #mark topic to note that it has already been archived &MarkForumTopic("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/$topic", "$ArchiveNumber", "$NewArchiveName"); &EndUpdate("T O P I C      A R C H I V E D", "We have stored the requested topic in the archive. This topic is still listed in its original forum, as well, since you elected not to delete it from its forum.

Hop to: Forum Summary Page"); } else { #delete old topic and HTML file, and remove from forum index unlink("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/$topic"); if (-e "$ForumsPath/$OldPath/HTML/$topicnumber.html") { unlink("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/HTML/$topicnumber.html"); } else { unlink("$ForumsPath/$OldPath/HTML/$topicnumber.cgi"); } $ExactPath = "$OldPath"; &UpdateForumDetails($number); #update lastnumber.file $TotReplies = $TotReplies + 0; $TotThreadPosts = $TotReplies + 1; &UpdateForumTotals("$number", 1, $TotThreadPosts, "yes"); &EndUpdate("T O P I C      A R C H I V E D", "We have stored the requested topic in the archive and removed the topic from its previous forum, per your request.

Hop to: Forum Summary Page"); } } } #end SubmitTransfer sub Transfer { print< $BBName - Transfer This Topic $Header
Forum: $Forum
Topic: $TopicSubject

Note: Only forum leaders ($AdminTitle, $ModeratorTitle) may transfer or archive a topic.
Select One (Transfer or Archive)
Transfer Topic To This Forum:

Note: You have the option of either deleting the topic entirely from the current forum after it is transferred, or keeping the topic in the current forum as well (it will be closed in the current forum, however).
Keep topic in current forum after transferring. The topic will be closed in its current forum.
Delete topic from current forum after transferring.
Archive Topic To This Archive:

Note: The topic will be moved to a read-only archive and either deleted or kept in the current forum (below, select whether you want to delete the topic from the forum after it is archived or whether you want to keep it "alive" in this forum, as well.)
Keep topic in current forum after archiving.
Delete topic from current forum after archiving.
Your User Name
Your Password

Transfer3 &PageBottomHTML; } sub GetForumList { @forums = &OpenForumsFile; for $each(@forums) { @ForumLine = split(/\|/, $each); chomp($ForumLine[8]); if (($ForumLine[3] eq "On") && ($number != $ForumLine[8])) { print<$ForumLine[1] SelectHTML } } #end for loop } sub IncreaseForumTotals { ## Used to add thread and/or posts totals in lastnumber.file my $number = shift; my $AddThreads = shift; my $AddPosts = shift; my $UpdateRow1 = shift; ### open(FORUM, "$ForumsPath/$ExactPath/lastnumber.file"); @currnumber = ; close(FORUM); my $threadfilenum = $currnumber[0]; chomp($threadfilenum); my $totalthreads = $currnumber[1]; chomp($totalthreads); my $totalposts = $currnumber[2]; chomp($totalposts); $totalthreads = $totalthreads + $AddThreads; $totalposts = $totalposts + $AddPosts; if ($UpdateRow1 eq "yes") { opendir (FORUMDIR, "$ForumsPath/$ExactPath"); my @theubbfiles = grep(/\.[cgi|ubb]/, readdir(FORUMDIR)); closedir (FORUMDIR); #sort the ubb files @ubbfiles = sort(@theubbfiles); #reverse array so that largest number is first @ubbfiles = reverse(@ubbfiles); my $lastnumber = $ubbfiles[0]; ($lastnumber, $junk) = split(/\./, $lastnumber); $threadfilenum = $lastnumber; } &Lock("lock.file"); open(FORUM, ">$ForumsPath/$ExactPath/lastnumber.file"); print FORUM ("$threadfilenum\n"); print FORUM ("$totalthreads\n"); print FORUM ("$totalposts\n"); close(FORUM); &Unlock("lock.file"); chmod(0666, "$ForumsPath/$ExactPath/lastnumber.file"); } #end IncreaseForumTotals sub HEADERHTML { if ($in{'UserName'} eq "") { $UserName = ""; $Password = ""; } print< $BBName


HEADER } #end HEADERHTML sr sub CreateArchiveHTML { my $ArchiveNumber = shift; my $ArchiveTopic = shift; my $ArrayStart = shift; my $PageNumber = shift; $PageNumber = $PageNumber + 0; $ArrayStart = $ArrayStart + 0; ($ThisTopicNumber, $junk) = split(/\./, $ArchiveTopic); ($junk, $thisforumnumber, $junk2) = split(/-/, $ThisTopicNumber); @thisforum = &GetForumRecord($thisforumnumber); $ThisForumName = $thisforum[1]; #create random numbers for headers/footers if ($RandomNumber) { $RandomNumber = $RandomNumber + 2; $RandomNumber2 = $RandomNumber2 + 2; } else { @digit = (0..9); srand(time); $num1 = rand(10); $num2 = rand(10); $num3 = rand(10); $num4 = rand(10); $RandomNumber = ("$digit[$num1]" . "$digit[$num2]" . "$digit[$num3]" . "$digit[$num4]"); $RandomNumber2 = $RandomNumber + 1004; } if ($Header ne "") { $Header2 = $Header; $Header2 =~ s/UBBrandomX/$RandomNumber/isg; $Header2 =~ s/UBBrandomY/$RandomNumber2/isg; } if ($Footer ne "") { $Footer2 = $Footer; $Footer2 =~ s/UBBrandomX/$RandomNumber/isg; $Footer2 =~ s/UBBrandomY/$RandomNumber2/isg; } @archivelist = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); foreach $archie(@archivelist) { if ($archie =~ /^$ArchiveNumber/) { @thisarchie = split(/\|\#\|/, $archie); $ArchiveName = $thisarchie[1]; } } @threadinformation = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/$ArchiveTopic"); @statarray = split(/\|\|/, $threadinformation[0]); if ($ReverseThreads eq "TRUE") { @threadinfo = reverse(@threadinformation); $ALine = pop(@threadinfo); chomp($ALine); unshift(@threadinfo, $ALine); } else { @threadinfo = @threadinformation; } #adjust for max post per page, if necessary if (($HTMLDisplayMax ne "") && ($HTMLDisplayMax ne "NONE")) { my $PostTotal = @threadinfo - 1; if ($PostTotal > $HTMLDisplayMax) { $TotalPages = $PostTotal / $HTMLDisplayMax; if ($TotalPages =~ /\./) { ($Whole, $junk) = split(/\./, $TotalPages); $TotalPages = $Whole + 1; } else { $TotalPages = $TotalPages; } $TopicPageTotal = "This topic is $TotalPages pages long:"; $eachpage = ""; for ($eachpage == 1; $eachpage <= $TotalPages; $eachpage++) { if ($eachpage == 1) { $PageName = "$ThisTopicNumber"; } else { $PageName = "$ThisTopicNumber-$eachpage"; } if ($PageNumber == $eachpage) { $TopicPageTotal .= qq( $eachpage ); } else { $TopicPageTotal .= qq( $eachpage ) } } $ThisPage = "(Page $PageNumber)"; if (($ArrayStart eq "") || ($ArrayStart eq "0")) { $MaxPoint = $HTMLDisplayMax; @postinfo = @threadinfo[1... $MaxPoint]; $ContinueAt = $MaxPoint + 1; $NextPage = $PageNumber + 1; } else { $MaxPoint = ($ArrayStart + $HTMLDisplayMax) - 1; if ($MaxPoint >= $#threadinfo) { $MaxPoint = $#threadinfo; @postinfo = @threadinfo[$ArrayStart... $MaxPoint]; $ContinueAt = ""; } else { @postinfo = @threadinfo[$ArrayStart... $MaxPoint]; $ContinueAt = $MaxPoint + 1; $NextPage = $PageNumber + 1; } } } else { @postinfo = @threadinfo[1... $#threadinfo]; $ContinueAt = ""; $TotalPages = 1; } } else { @postinfo = @threadinfo[1... $#threadinfo]; $ContinueAt = ""; $TotalPages = 1; } #end if HTML max display $TopicWriter = "$statarray[3]"; $UNCoded = $TopicWriter; $UNCoded =~ tr/ /+/; $TopicSubject = $statarray[4]; chomp($TopicSubject); $SubjectCoded = &HTMLIFY($TopicSubject); $SubjectCoded =~ tr/ /+/; #if Email is ON, display email thread wording if (($UseEmail eq "ON") && ($ThisRestrict ne "private")) { $EmailThreadWording = qq(

UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone!); } else { $EmailThreadWording = ""; } unless (-d "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/HTML") { mkdir("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/HTML", 0777); chmod (0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/HTML"); } $FolderLine = qq(  $BBName
  $TopicSubject $ThisPage); if ($DisplayRegistration eq "NO") { $RegLinkHere = ""; } else { $RegLinkHere = qq(profile | register |); } $ThisThread = qq(Archive: $TopicSubject - $BBName $Header2

Note: This is an archived topic. It is read-only.

$RegLinkHere preferences | faq | search

This topic was originally posted in this forum: $ThisForumName
$BorderTop ); @themonths = ("", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"); $AlternateColor = "$AltColumnColor2"; ## foreach $line(@postinfo) { @thisline = split(/\|\|/, $line); $UserNameCoded = $thisline[2]; $UserNameCoded = &HTMLIFY($UserNameCoded); $UserNameCoded =~ tr/ /+/; $theDate = "$thisline[3]"; $RegName = "$thisline[8]"; chomp($RegName); #format date if ($DateFormat eq "US") { $ThisDate = "$theDate"; } elsif ($DateFormat eq "Euro") { $ThisDate = &DateFormat("$theDate", "Euro"); } elsif ($DateFormat eq "USX") { $ThisDate = &DateFormat("$theDate", "USExpanded"); } else { $ThisDate = &DateFormat("$theDate", "EuroExpanded"); } #format time if ($TimeFormat eq "24HR") { @timearray = split(/ /, $thisline[4]); chomp($timearray[1]); ($gethour, $getmin) = split(/:/, $timearray[0]); if ($timearray[1] eq "PM") { if ($gethour < 12) { $gethour = ($gethour + 12); } } if ($AMpm eq "AM") { if ($gethour == 12) { $gethour = "0"; } } $gethour = sprintf ("%2d", $gethour); $gethour =~tr/ /0/; $getmin = sprintf ("%2d", $getmin); $getmin =~tr/ /0/; $FormatTime = "$gethour:$getmin"; } else { $FormatTime = "$thisline[4]"; } $theTime = "thisline[4]"; $ReplyText = $thisline[6]; #get reply writer's email view status my $ProfileNumber = &GetUserNumber($thisline[2]); if ($ProfileNumber ne "") { @thisprofile = &OpenProfile("$ProfileNumber.cgi"); $EmailView = $thisprofile[11]; $ThisStatus = $thisprofile[8]; if ($ThisStatus eq "Administrator") { $ThisStatus = "$AdminTitle"; } elsif ($ThisStatus eq "Moderator") { $ThisStatus = "$ModeratorTitle"; } elsif ($ThisStatus eq "Member") { $ThisStatus = "$MemberTitle"; } else { $ThisStatus = "$JrMemberTitle"; } } else { $RegName = "unreg"; } if ($AuthorColumn eq "Location") { $RegDate = $thisprofile[10]; ($RegMon, $RegDay, $RegYear) = split(/-/, $RegDate); $RegMonth = $themonths[$RegMon]; $RegDate = "$RegMonth $RegYear"; $AuthorExtra = qq(

Posts: $thisprofile[7]
From: $thisprofile[6]
Registered: $RegDate); } elsif ($AuthorColumn eq "PostTotal") { $RegDate = $thisprofile[10]; ($RegMon, $RegDay, $RegYear) = split(/-/, $RegDate); $RegMonth = $themonths[$RegMon]; $RegDate = "$RegMonth $RegYear"; $AuthorExtra = qq(

Posts: $thisprofile[7]
Registered: $RegDate); } else { $AuthorExtra = ""; } if ($RegName ne "unreg"){ $ProfileString = qq( Click Here to See the Profile for $thisline[2]); if (($EmailBlock eq "ON") || ($EmailView eq "no")) { $EmailString = " "; } else { $EmailString = qq(  Click Here to Email $thisline[2]  ); } } else { $EmailString = " "; $ThisStatus = "unregistered"; $ProfileString = " "; } if ($DisplayRegistration eq "NO") { $EmailString = " "; $ThisStatus = ""; $ProfileString = " "; $EditLink = ""; } $ThisThread .= qq(

); #rotate thru alt colors if ($AlternateColor eq "$AltColumnColor1") { $AlternateColor = "$AltColumnColor2"; } else { $AlternateColor = "$AltColumnColor1"; } } # end loop $ThisThread .= qq(
Author Topic:   $TopicSubject
$ThisStatus $AuthorExtra
posted $ThisDate $FormatTime     $ProfileString $EmailString   


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$Footer2); if ($PageNumber eq "1") { $HTMLPageName = "$ThisTopicNumber"; } else { $HTMLPageName = "$ThisTopicNumber-$PageNumber"; } unless (-w "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/HTML/$HTMLPageName.html") { unlink "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/HTML/$HTMLPageName.html"; } &Lock("lock.file"); open (THREADHTML, ">$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/HTML/$HTMLPageName.html"); print THREADHTML ("$ThisThread"); close (THREADHTML); &Unlock("lock.file"); chmod (0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/HTML/$HTMLPageName.html"); if ($ContinueAt ne "") { &CreateArchiveHTML("$ArchiveNumber", "$ArchiveTopic", "$ContinueAt", "$NextPage"); } } #end CreateArchiveHTML sub AppendArchiveSumm { my $ArchiveNumber = shift; my $ArchiveTopic = shift; ($ThisNum, $junk) = split(/\./, $ArchiveTopic); @topicfile = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/$ArchiveTopic"); @stats = split(/\|\|/, $topicfile[0]); $stats[3] =~ s/\|/|/sg; $ThisSubject = $stats[4]; chomp($ThisSubject); $ThisSubject =~ s/\|/|/sg; $ThreadLine = "$ThisSubject|#|$ThisNum|#|$stats[3]"; &AppendFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/archives.thread", "$ThreadLine"); chmod(0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/archives.thread"); } sub AppendArchiveIndex { my $ArchiveNumber = shift; my $ArchiveTopic = shift; ($ThisNum, $junk) = split(/\./, $ArchiveTopic); @topicfile = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ArchiveNumber/$ArchiveTopic"); $TopLine = $topicfile[0]; @stats = split(/\|\|/, $TopLine); $TopicSubject = $stats[4]; chomp($TopicSubject); $TopicSubject =~ s/\|/|/sg; foreach $uno(@topicfile) { if ($uno !~ /^A/) { @thisline = split(/\|\|/, $uno); $Mess = $thisline[6]; $Message = &Indexify($Mess); $PostDate = $thisline[3]; $Author = $thisline[2]; $Author =~ s/\|/|/sg; $IndexLine = "$ArchiveNumber|$ThisNum|$thisline[2]|$PostDate|$TopicSubject|$Message"; &AppendFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archiveindex-$ArchiveNumber.pl", "$IndexLine"); } } chmod(0777, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/archiveindex-$ArchiveNumber.pl"); } sub MarkForumTopic { my $Path = shift; my $ArchDir = shift; my $ArchTopic = shift; @thistopic = &OpenFile("$Path"); $TopLine = $thistopic[0]; @statline = split(/\|\|/, $TopLine); chomp($statline[4]); $ArchiveNotes = $statline[5]; chomp($ArchiveNotes); chomp($statline[6]); $ThisNote = "$ArchDir:$ArchTopic,"; if ($ArchiveNotes eq "") { $ArchiveNotes = $ThisNote; } else { $ArchiveNotes = ("$ArchiveNotes" . "$ThisNote"); } $statline[5] = $ArchiveNotes; $thistopic[0] = join("||", @statline); &Lock("lock.file"); open (REVISED, ">$Path"); foreach $uno(@thistopic) { chomp($uno); print REVISED ("$uno\n"); } close(REVISED); &Unlock("lock.file"); } sub ReArchiveIndex { my $ArchRow = shift; my $ArchTotal = shift; my $StartWith = shift; $ArchRow = $ArchRow + 0; $ArchTotal = $ArchTotal + 0; $StartWith = $StartWith + 0; #is this the last archive? if ($ArchRow == $ArchTotal) { $LastArchive = "true"; } else { $LastArchive = "false"; } my @archives = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); my $uno = ""; my $Count = 0; foreach $uno(@archives) { $Count++; if ($Count == $ArchRow) { ($ThisNumber, $junk, $junk2) = split(/\|\#\|/, $uno); } } #retrieve all topics opendir (GETTHREADS, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber"); @threads1 = readdir (GETTHREADS); closedir (GETTHREADS); @threads2 = grep(/\.cgi/, @threads1); @threads = sort(@threads2); $TotalThreads = @threads; #total topics in archive $LastArrayNum = $TotalThreads - 1; #limit processing to Cycle rate of 250 topics $Cycle = 250; $ThisCycle = $Cycle - 1; $ArrayStart = $StartWith - 1; $End = $StartWith + $ThisCycle; $ArrayEnd = $End - 1; if ($LastArrayNum <= $ArrayEnd) { $ArrayEnd = $LastArrayNum; $FinishedArchive = "true"; } else { $FinishedArchive = "false"; } @truncated = @threads[$ArrayStart... $ArrayEnd]; $StartPoint = $StartWith; $LastOne = $ArrayEnd + 1; $NextStart = $ArrayEnd + 1; @forumindex = @blank; for $this(@truncated) { @stat = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber/$this"); @stats = split(/\|\|/, $stat[0]); $Subject = $stats[4]; $Subject =~ s/\|/|/sg; chomp($Subject); ($HTMLpage, $trash) = split(/\./, $this); foreach $review(@stat) { unless ($review =~ /^A/) { @parseit = split(/\|\|/, $review); my $Writer = $parseit[2]; my $Date = $parseit[3]; chomp($parseit[6]); my $Text = &Indexify($parseit[6]); $Writer =~ s/\|/|/sg; my $threadline .= ("$ThisNumber" . "|" . "$HTMLpage" . "|" . "$Writer" . "|" . "$Date" . "|" . "$Subject" . "|" . "$Text\n"); push (@forumindex, $threadline); } #end unless } } #end for threads loop if ($ArrayStart == 0) { unlink("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archiveindex-$ThisNumber.pl"); } &Lock ("lock.file"); open (THISFILE, ">>$NonCGIPath/Archives/archiveindex-$ThisNumber.pl"); for $line(@forumindex) { chomp($line); print THISFILE ("$line\n"); } close (THISFILE); &Unlock ("lock.file"); chmod (0666, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/archiveindex-$ThisNumber.pl"); if ($FinishedArchive eq "true") { if ($LastArchive eq "true") { &EndUpdate("I N D E X      U P D A T E D", "Thank you for your patience. All forum and archive topics have been completely re-indexed."); } else { $ArchRow++; &ContinueArchIndex("$ArchRow", "$ArchTotal", "1"); } } else { &ContinueArchIndex("$ArchRow", "$ArchTotal" , "$NextStart"); } } #end rearchiveindex sub ContinueArchIndex { my $ArchRow = shift; my $TotalArchie = shift; my $NextStart = shift; $ActionWording = qq(We are indexing each of your archive topics now.

Archive $ThisNumber is currently being updated. Please wait while we continue updating!

We just finished updating topics $StartPoint through $LastOne in Archive $ThisNumber ); $ForwardURL = "$CGIURL/archive.cgi?action=ContinueArchiveIndex&ArchiveRow=$ArchRow&TotalArchives=$TotalArchie&StartWith=$NextStart"; &ContinueThis($ForwardURL, $ActionWording); } sub UpdateArchThreads { my $ArchRow = shift; my $ArchTotal = shift; my $StartWith = shift; $ArchRow = $ArchRow + 0; $ArchTotal = $ArchTotal + 0; $StartWith = $StartWith + 0; #is this the last archive? if ($ArchRow == $ArchTotal) { $LastArchive = "true"; } else { $LastArchive = "false"; } my @archives = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/archives.pl"); my $uno = ""; my $Count = 0; foreach $uno(@archives) { $Count++; if ($Count == $ArchRow) { ($ThisNumber, $junk, $junk2) = split(/\|\#\|/, $uno); } } #retrieve all topics opendir (GETTHREADS, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber"); @threads1 = readdir (GETTHREADS); closedir (GETTHREADS); @threads2 = grep(/\.cgi/, @threads1); @threads = sort(@threads2); $TotalThreads = @threads; #total topics in archive $LastArrayNum = $TotalThreads - 1; #limit processing to Cycle rate of 250 topics $Cycle = 250; $ThisCycle = $Cycle - 1; $ArrayStart = $StartWith - 1; $End = $StartWith + $ThisCycle; $ArrayEnd = $End - 1; if ($LastArrayNum <= $ArrayEnd) { $ArrayEnd = $LastArrayNum; $FinishedArchive = "true"; } else { $FinishedArchive = "false"; } @truncated = @threads[$ArrayStart... $ArrayEnd]; $StartPoint = $StartWith; $LastOne = $ArrayEnd + 1; $NextStart = $ArrayEnd + 1; for $this(@truncated) { @topicfile = &OpenFile("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber/$this"); ($TopicNumber, $junk) = split(/\./, $this); @stats = split(/\|\|/, $topicfile[0]); $TopicSubject = $stats[4]; chomp($TopicSubject); $Author = $stats[3]; $Author =~ s/\|/|/sg; $TopicSubject =~ s/\|/|/sg; $ThreadLine = "$TopicSubject|#|$TopicNumber|#|$Author"; push(@threadfile, $ThreadLine); } #end for threads loop if ($ArrayStart == 0) { unlink("$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber/archives.thread"); } &Lock ("lock.file"); open (THISFILE, ">>$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber/archives.thread"); for $line2(@threadfile) { chomp($line2); print THISFILE ("$line2\n"); } close (THISFILE); &Unlock ("lock.file"); chmod (0666, "$NonCGIPath/Archives/Archive-$ThisNumber/archives.thread"); if ($FinishedArchive eq "true") { if ($LastArchive eq "true") { &EndUpdate("P R O C E S S      C O M P L E T E", "Thank you for your patience. All forums and archives have been recalibrated and your general variables have been updated."); } else { $ArchRow++; &ContinueUpdateThreads("$ArchRow", "$ArchTotal", "1"); } } else { &ContinueUpdateThreads("$ArchRow", "$ArchTotal" , "$NextStart"); } } #end updateArchThreads sub ContinueUpdateThreads { my $ArchRow = shift; my $TotalArchie = shift; my $NextStart = shift; $ActionWording = qq(Please wait while we continue updating!

We just finished updating topic threads $StartPoint through $LastOne in Archive $ThisNumber ); $ForwardURL = "$CGIURL/archive.cgi?action=UpdateArchiveThreads&ArchiveRow=$ArchRow&TotalArchives=$TotalArchie&StartWith=$NextStart"; &ContinueThis($ForwardURL, $ActionWording); }