Re: Tires for a 96' Camry

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Posted by Mark Weil on May 12, 1998 at 21:41:42:

In Reply to: Tires for a 96' Camry posted by Mike on April 19, 1998 at 01:29:11:

Let me start by saying that I am employed by a major national tire dealerAlthough the MX4 is a terriffic tire, it is a "T" rated tire, and therefore is less of a performer, in theory than the Firestone's. In reality though, the MX4 is BETTER in every respect. Before you decide on a tire, first think about how you drive. I own the same car, with the same tires, and am unhappy with their performance. If you are not a "hard" driver, than the MX4's will suffice, even though they are "T" rated. If you , on the other hand, are a "hard" driver, then look at the Michelin MXV4G "H" rated tire. It should cost you about $93 plus installation, taxes, etc. vs. $65 or so for the MX4's. I hope this advice helps.

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